I participated in a panel discussion the other day talking about do’s and don’ts in the workplace and came up with a partial list. There are SOOOOO many other examples I’ve seen, but I thought I’d share a few:
1. Learn! (As they say, the more I know, the more I know I don’t know . . . )
2. Make mistakes (not a problem for me—they do certainly help me learn)
3. Practice active listening (it’s so easy to be thinking of my response instead of hearing the individual)
4. Keep your commitments when you can and be proactive when you can’t. (wouldn’t that be a nice world?)
5. Drama is not your friend. (I really really really don’t get it that people don’t seem to get this--at least at work)
6. Work Hard—if you finish, ask for more to do.
7. Clean up after yourself.
8. Don’t microwave popcorn. Just saying. (who hasn’t been in an office where the smoke alarm was set off by burning popcorn?)
9. Do not say “That’s not my job!” (unless it’s a medical/legal/financial procedure maybe . . . )
10. Be polite and professional, always (especially when it’s hard)!
11. Dress appropriately—it’s okay to ask about it if you’re not sure. (I’ve seen some interesting choices over the years)
12. Have a professional email address. (I’ve also seen some interesting email addresses . . . )
13. Social media can affect your job! (hopefully this has become more clear)
14. Be aware of your surroundings (Who’s listening? I’ve overheard some interesting things in unexpected places).
As noted, these are by no means all there is, but just a few I thought I’d share! Enjoy the rest of your week!